Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Nyamango Clinic

A while ago I went with Mary Jane to help with her clinics on Nyamango, Chimabaya and Soswa islands. the trip was four days, three nights, with clinics each day on one of the islands. I helped by filling in baby's weights on their cards and charting their progress (kind of like a plunket book). It was a great experience, despite being challenging at times.

1) Nyamango Island from Soswa Island.
Nyamango is where we slept each night.
2) The clinic on Nayamango. The che's do a skit
before we get started for health education and
and a gospel message is given.
3) Mary Jane checks up on the mama's who are
expecting while nurse Leah gives immunisations
to the children. Out back Marita is doing HIV
testing and counselling.
4) The view out accross the eastern end of the island.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Marls so cool to see your photos - you take some really great ones! They are beautiful. Keep up the good work. oxoxo Hannah