Yes, many of you know that this is a passion of mine and I am praying that here it will be a tool of outreach. I have started coaching the girls netball teams, who previously had no coach. There is one teacher in charge of sport at school and he is the only one taking care of the hour of sport every afternoon which is a challenge when there are 350 students! So naturally, this being Africa, he coaches the boys soccer team and the rest are left to sort themselves out.
The girls have been very welcoming and my first afternoon was rather amusing. They have clearly read the rules, but having never had a coach or seen the game played (as far as I can gather) the application was a little interesting. My first task has therefore been to re-teach them how to play the game. It's been fun, especially trying to communicate with some of the form ones who barely know English as they have just started at secondary school.
There are only about 14-21 girls who show up for practices and I have decided not to go chasing after the others. This gives me the opportunity to get to know a smaller group well. I've begun praying with them and they have welcomed me to spend time at the dorms, which is really encouraging. Hopefully more will join as they see a bond forming with myself and the teams. Please pray that I will have much opportunity to input into the lives of these girls.
Some may wonder, why at a Christian school, I place so much value on this as a ministry. The thing is, from my observations, Christianity really is a label here. Everyone has a label of some sort, Catholic, Seventh Day Adventist, Simply Christian, or they may define it to protestant or baptist and then of course there is some Islam in the community also. This, however, is often where it ends. They probably attend church most Sundays, but in daily life there isn't much more thought given to the subject. There doesn't seem to be much teaching about living a godly life in response to the gift of Jesus Christ. So, I hope to give these girls an example in my own small way and the encouragement and love they need to build up a living faith. Eventually I hope to do Bible studies and topical discussions that relate to their lives and how they may be servants also. So I ask that you please pray for this area of my work that I may get to know these girls, their concerns, their joys and their desires and so, that I may love them and encourage them in their faith.
The next big task that lies ahead is actually choosig a team to represent the school in the interschool competition which will start...well...I don't know when exactly. Communication isn't big on the list of things to do here so I'll just have to make sure I'm prepared. I would guess early March.
I hope to have a few photos added to this site soon, but please be patient as the connection is slow and intermittent.
In His service,