Dipuo enjoys the sprinklers on one of the hottest days.
Nkamo and Dipuo
Nkamo and Ariel after playing in the nice cool water.
Santie painting faces.
Shelaine helped too!
This little lady liked her face painted.
Nkamo and I with his artworkon my face! :)
Neme and her son with his face all painted.
We returned tothe compound to find that the men had caught a snake when moving an old tent. It was still alive when we arrived, but here it's clearly seen better days.
It's a puff adder for those who are wondering. :)
Before this particular group arrived they prayed for rain on the dry world around us. Whilethey were there we were blessed with 39mm of rain. God is good and does answer prayer, so keep on praying!
(P.S. I do know the names of the children that aren't named in this update, but my relationship with them isn't such that I feel I can go publish it on the net. :)